Universal Heavy-Weight Pads

Sorbent Pads Universal

ENPAC® meltblown polypropylene sorbent pads are the most cost-effective absorption technology available. Fast-wicking fibers allow them to absorb up to 25 times their weight!

Also available in Oil Only & Aggressive.

Universal: Bonded for added strength and durability, the grey pads are a great choice for maintenance shops.

Minimum Size: 270 square inches

* Sonic-Bonded, Laminated, and other Pads available, call for further information.

Universal Heavy-Weight Pads
Product No. Length Type Absorbs Capabilities Quantity price Quantity
ENP UPB100H 270/689 squared Bonded 25x their weight Universal 100/case 30/cases per pallet List Price: $47.88
TODAY: $0.00
Universal Heavy-Weight Pads
  • Length: 270/689 squared
  • Type: Bonded
  • Absorbs: 25x their weight
  • Capabilities: Universal
  • Quantity: 100/case 30/cases per pallet
TODAY: $0.00
