ENSORB® SOK 15-Gallon Drum

Spill & Odor Killer - Neutralizing & Odor-eliminating absorbent!

Quickly neutralize odors at the source with ENSORB® SOK, the revolutionary odor eliminating absorbent! Effective and environmentally safe, this rapid-action Spill and Odor Killer is safe to use around kids, pets and virtually anywhere!

Ideal for larger spills and refills, the 15-Gallon Drum SOK unit will tackle your biggest, nastiest spills with no fear of lingering odor or residue.

ENSORB SOK 15-Gallon Drum
Product No. Length Width Height Type Weight Price Ea. price Quantity
EC029-0025-00EP 15 in. / 38 cm 15 in. / 38 cm 27.5 in. / 70 cm Granular 35 lbs. / 15.9 kg List Price: $499.00
TODAY: $0.00
ENSORB SOK 15-Gallon Drum
  • Length: 15 in. / 38 cm
  • Width: 15 in. / 38 cm
  • Height: 27.5 in. / 70 cm
  • Type: Granular
  • Weight: 35 lbs. / 15.9 kg
TODAY: $0.00
