ChemKlenz® 4‐Kg Applicator Wand

The Applicator Wand is used in conjunction with any of the Chemklenz® Pressurized Cylinders. ChemKlenz® is the universal chemical absorbent that neutralizes both acids and bases, including HF and a wide variety of hazardous chemicals.

More Details of ChemKlenz®:

Highly effective response products which are capable of containing and neutralizing a variety of chemical threats in easy to use delivery systems. Originally for military chemical response applications, they now provide safety for employees, students, staff, and property from chemical hazards.

All units are portable. No premixing is required. Easy to operate, compact delivery systems. Rapid-acting upon contact. Effective over a wide range of conditions; non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable.

Your simple and immediate response to chemical spills. Available in many other sizes and variations.

ChemKlenz 4‐Kg Applicator Wand
Product No. price Quantity
FD015-4903-00NS List Price: $580.00
TODAY: $0.00
ChemKlenz 4‐Kg Applicator Wand
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TODAY: $0.00
