Storage rack on wheels.
  • Availability: Typically ships in 3-5 days
Availability: Typically ships in 3-5 days
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Little Giant - Manufactured by Brennan Equipment - SMO
Product No. Description Shelf Type Size
W x L
Wt. (lbs.) price Quantity
H3ML-2436-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Lip 24 x 36" 46-1/2" 16-1/2" 142 List Price: $642.05
TODAY: $501.60
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H3ML-2448-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Lip 24 x 48" 46-1/2" 16-1/2" 173 List Price: $738.82
TODAY: $577.20
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H3ML-3048-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Lip 30 x 48" 46-1/2" 16-1/2" 204 List Price: $863.23
TODAY: $674.40
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H3ML-3060-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Lip 30 x 60" 46-1/2" 16-1/2" 244 List Price: $1003.78
TODAY: $784.20
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H4ML-2436-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Lip 24 x 36" 65" 16-1/2" 175 List Price: $786.43
TODAY: $614.40
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H3M-2436-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Flush 24 x 36" 45" 16-1/2" 142 List Price: $642.05
TODAY: $501.60
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H3M-2448-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Flush 24 x 48" 45" 16-1/2" 173 List Price: $738.82
TODAY: $577.20
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H3M-3048-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Flush 30 x 48" 45" 16-1/2" 204 List Price: $863.23
TODAY: $674.40
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H3M-3060-6PH 3 Shelf Unit Flush 30 x 60" 45" 16-1/2" 244 List Price: $1003.78
TODAY: $784.20
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H4M-2436-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Flush 24 x 36" 63-1/2" 16-1/2" 175 List Price: $786.43
TODAY: $614.40
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H4ML-2448-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Lip 24 x 48" 65" 16-1/2" 216 List Price: $914.69
TODAY: $714.60
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H4ML-3048-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Lip 30 x 48" 65" 16-1/2" 256 List Price: $1095.94
TODAY: $856.20
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H4ML-3060-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Lip 30 x 60" 65" 16-1/2" 309 List Price: $1254.14
TODAY: $979.80
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H4M-2448-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Flush 24 x 48" 63-1/2" 16-1/2" 216 List Price: $914.69
TODAY: $714.60
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H4M-3048-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Flush 30 x 48" 63-1/2" 16-1/2" 256 List Price: $1095.94
TODAY: $856.20
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H4M-3060-6PH 4 Shelf Unit Flush 30 x 60" 63-1/2" 16-1/2" 309 List Price: $1254.14
TODAY: $979.80
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H5ML-2436-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Lip 24 x 36" 65" 12" 207 List Price: $926.21
TODAY: $723.60
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H5ML-2448-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Lip 24 x 48" 65" 12" 258 List Price: $1107.46
TODAY: $865.20
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H5ML-3048-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Lip 30 x 48" 65" 12" 307 List Price: $1275.65
TODAY: $996.60
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H5ML-3060-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Lip 30 x 60" 65" 12" 373 List Price: $1477.63
TODAY: $1154.40
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H5M-2436-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Flush 24 x 36" 63-1/2" 12" 207 List Price: $926.21
TODAY: $723.60
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H5M-2448-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Flush 24 x 48" 63-1/2" 12" 258 List Price: $1107.46
TODAY: $865.20
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H5M-3048-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Flush 30 x 48" 63-1/2" 12" 307 List Price: $1275.65
TODAY: $996.60
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H5M-3060-6PH 5 Shelf Unit Flush 30 x 60" 63-1/2" 12" 373 List Price: $1477.63
TODAY: $1154.40
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  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 24 x 36"
  • Overall Height: 46-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $501.60

  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 24 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 46-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $577.20

  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 30 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 46-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $674.40

  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 30 x 60"
  • Overall Height: 46-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $784.20

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 24 x 36"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $614.40

  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 24 x 36"
  • Overall Height: 45"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $501.60

  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 24 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 45"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $577.20

  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 30 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 45"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $674.40

  • Description: 3 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 30 x 60"
  • Overall Height: 45"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $784.20

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 24 x 36"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $614.40

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 24 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $714.60

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 30 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $856.20

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 30 x 60"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $979.80

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 24 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $714.60

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 30 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $856.20

  • Description: 4 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 30 x 60"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 16-1/2"
TODAY: $979.80

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 24 x 36"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $723.60

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 24 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $865.20

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 30 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $996.60

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Lip
  • Size W x L: 30 x 60"
  • Overall Height: 65"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $1154.40

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 24 x 36"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $723.60

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 24 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $865.20

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 30 x 48"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $996.60

  • Description: 5 Shelf Unit
  • Shelf Type: Flush
  • Size W x L: 30 x 60"
  • Overall Height: 63-1/2"
  • Shelf Clearance: 12"
TODAY: $1154.40
