3M Versaflo Forehead Comfort Pads/Sweat Pads

Versaflo Forehead Comfort Pad/Sweat Pad, Black
  • The sweat pad attaches to the headband in the area of the user's forehead
  • It helps absorb perspiration and adds to the overall comfort of the user
3M Personal Safety Division L-Series Headgear Sweat Pads
Product No. Color Quantity Type Used With price Quantity
142-L-115-10 Black 10 per pack Sweat Pad; Headcover 3M Versaflo M-Series Headgear; 3M L-Series Headgear; H-Series Hood; Whitecap Helmets List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
3M Personal Safety Division L-Series Headgear Sweat Pads
  • Color: Black
  • Quantity: 10 per pack
  • Type: Sweat Pad; Headcover
  • Used With: 3M Versaflo M-Series Headgear; 3M L-Series Headgear; H-Series Hood; Whitecap Helmets
  • :
TODAY: $0.00
