DBI-SALA Protecta PRO-STOP Shock Absorbing Lanyards

Protecta PRO-STOP Shock Absorbing Lanyard, 6 ft, Self-Locking Connection, 2 Legs
  • Feature durable polyester webbing and an energy absorbing design that limits fall arrest forces to 900 lbs. or less
  • Feature 3,600 lb. gated hooks meeting ANSI Z359 (USA only)
Protecta PRO-STOP™ Shock Absorbing Lanyards
Product No. Color Connection Type Hook Type Length [Max] Load Cap. [Max] Material price Quantity
098-1340220 Red Self-Locking Snap Snap Hook 6 ft 310 lb Polyester List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
Protecta PRO-STOP™ Shock Absorbing Lanyards
  • Color: Red
  • Connection Type: Self-Locking Snap
  • Hook Type: Snap Hook
  • Length [Max]: 6 ft
  • Load Cap. [Max]: 310 lb
TODAY: $0.00
