Includes Weight Actuated Lockstep: The Safest, Most Durable Lockstep on the Market. 21" Deep top step. 59° Slope. Base frame and rear vertical are rugged 2" x 1" rectangular tubing. Rear corner bumpers. Exceeds OSHA and ANSI standards.

  • Availability: Typically ships in 3-5 days
Availability: Typically ships in 3-5 days
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  • High quality non-marking wheels with roller bearings and dust cover.
  • Tough Powder Coat Gray Finish.

Three step tread types available: Serrated Grating (G), Perforated Step (P) and Expanded Metal (X). FOB Shipping Point.

Additional Options are available, see the Related Items tab for more details (not all options available on all part numbers, call for details).

Ballymore Company - SMO
Product No. Tread Width Tread Description No. Steps Base
W x L
Top Step Height price Quantity
HML063221G 24" Serrated Grating 6 32 x 56" 60" List Price: $1171.43
TODAY: $915.18
Add to cart
HML134021P 24" Perforated Step 13 40 x 101" 130" List Price: $2074.16
TODAY: $1620.44
Add to cart
HML144021P 24" Perforated Step 14 40 x 107" 140" List Price: $2150.66
TODAY: $1680.20
Add to cart
HML154021P 24" Perforated Step 15 40 x 113" 150" List Price: $2227.14
TODAY: $1739.95
Add to cart
HML063221X 24" Expanded Metal 6 32 x 56" 60" List Price: $1070.80
TODAY: $836.56
Add to cart
HML073221X 24" Expanded Metal 7 32 x 62" 70" List Price: $1135.21
TODAY: $886.88
Add to cart
HML083221X 24" Expanded Metal 8 32 x 68" 80" List Price: $1273.08
TODAY: $994.59
Add to cart
HML093221X 24" Expanded Metal 9 32 x 75" 90" List Price: $1351.58
TODAY: $1055.92
Add to cart
HML103221X 24" Expanded Metal 10 32 x 81" 100" List Price: $1456.24
TODAY: $1137.69
Add to cart
HML113221X 24" Expanded Metal 11 32 x 87" 110" List Price: $1564.93
TODAY: $1222.60
Add to cart
HML123221X 24" Expanded Metal 12 32 x 94" 120" List Price: $1659.53
TODAY: $1296.51
Add to cart
HML134021X 24" Expanded Metal 13 40 x 101" 130" List Price: $2178.83
TODAY: $1702.21
Add to cart
HML144021X 24" Expanded Metal 14 40 x 107" 140" List Price: $2258.33
TODAY: $1764.32
Add to cart
HML154021X 24" Expanded Metal 15 40 x 113" 150" List Price: $2336.83
TODAY: $1825.65
Add to cart
HML-28"D TOP STEP 28" D. Top Step" List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
HML123221P 24" Perforated Step 12 32 x 94" 120" List Price: $1579.02
TODAY: $1233.61
Add to cart
HML113221P 24" Perforated Step 11 32 x 87" 110" List Price: $1490.46
TODAY: $1164.42
Add to cart
HML073221G 24" Serrated Grating 7 32 x 62" 70" List Price: $1242.89
TODAY: $971.01
Add to cart
HML083221G 24" Serrated Grating 8 32 x 68" 80" List Price: $1395.87
TODAY: $1090.52
Add to cart
HML093221G 24" Serrated Grating 9 32 x 75" 90" List Price: $1480.40
TODAY: $1156.56
Add to cart
HML103221G 24" Serrated Grating 10 32 x 81" 100" List Price: $1595.12
TODAY: $1246.19
Add to cart
HML113221G 24" Serrated Grating 11 32 x 87" 110" List Price: $1712.87
TODAY: $1338.18
Add to cart
HML123221G 24" Serrated Grating 12 32 x 94" 120" List Price: $1816.52
TODAY: $1419.16
Add to cart
HML134021G 24" Serrated Grating 13 40 x 101" 130" List Price: $2385.14
TODAY: $1863.39
Add to cart
HML144021G 24" Serrated Grating 14 40 x 107" 140" List Price: $2472.69
TODAY: $1931.79
Add to cart
HML103221P 24" Perforated Step 10 32 x 81" 100" List Price: $1386.80
TODAY: $1083.44
Add to cart
HML093221P 24" Perforated Step 9 32 x 75" 90" List Price: $1287.17
TODAY: $1005.60
Add to cart
HML083221P 24" Perforated Step 8 32 x 68" 80" List Price: $1213.71
TODAY: $948.21
Add to cart
HML073221P 24" Perforated Step 7 32 x 62" 70" List Price: $1079.86
TODAY: $843.64
Add to cart
HML063221P 24" Perforated Step 6 32 x 56" 60" List Price: $1019.47
TODAY: $796.46
Add to cart
HML154021G 24" Serrated Grating 15 40 x 113" 150" List Price: $2560.24
TODAY: $2000.19
Add to cart
HML-ALL DIRECTIONAL All Directional List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
HML-SIDE EXIT Side Exit List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
HML-REAR EXIT Rear Exit List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
HML-EMPLOYEE SIGN Employee Only Sign List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
HML-CAL OSHA 5-9 CAL-OSHA (5 - 9 Steps) List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
HML-CAL OSHA 10-12 CAL-OSHA (10 - 12 Steps) List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 6
  • Base W x L: 32 x 56"
TODAY: $915.18

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 13
  • Base W x L: 40 x 101"
TODAY: $1620.44

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 14
  • Base W x L: 40 x 107"
TODAY: $1680.20

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 15
  • Base W x L: 40 x 113"
TODAY: $1739.95

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 6
  • Base W x L: 32 x 56"
TODAY: $836.56

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 7
  • Base W x L: 32 x 62"
TODAY: $886.88

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 8
  • Base W x L: 32 x 68"
TODAY: $994.59

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 9
  • Base W x L: 32 x 75"
TODAY: $1055.92

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 10
  • Base W x L: 32 x 81"
TODAY: $1137.69

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 11
  • Base W x L: 32 x 87"
TODAY: $1222.60

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 12
  • Base W x L: 32 x 94"
TODAY: $1296.51

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 13
  • Base W x L: 40 x 101"
TODAY: $1702.21

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 14
  • Base W x L: 40 x 107"
TODAY: $1764.32

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Expanded Metal
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 15
  • Base W x L: 40 x 113"
TODAY: $1825.65

  • Tread Width:
  • Tread:
  • Description: 28" D. Top Step"
  • No. Steps:
  • Base W x L:
TODAY: $0.00

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 12
  • Base W x L: 32 x 94"
TODAY: $1233.61

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 11
  • Base W x L: 32 x 87"
TODAY: $1164.42

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 7
  • Base W x L: 32 x 62"
TODAY: $971.01

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 8
  • Base W x L: 32 x 68"
TODAY: $1090.52

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 9
  • Base W x L: 32 x 75"
TODAY: $1156.56

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 10
  • Base W x L: 32 x 81"
TODAY: $1246.19

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 11
  • Base W x L: 32 x 87"
TODAY: $1338.18

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 12
  • Base W x L: 32 x 94"
TODAY: $1419.16

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 13
  • Base W x L: 40 x 101"
TODAY: $1863.39

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 14
  • Base W x L: 40 x 107"
TODAY: $1931.79

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 10
  • Base W x L: 32 x 81"
TODAY: $1083.44

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 9
  • Base W x L: 32 x 75"
TODAY: $1005.60

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 8
  • Base W x L: 32 x 68"
TODAY: $948.21

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 7
  • Base W x L: 32 x 62"
TODAY: $843.64

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Perforated Step
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 6
  • Base W x L: 32 x 56"
TODAY: $796.46

  • Tread Width: 24"
  • Tread: Serrated Grating
  • Description:
  • No. Steps: 15
  • Base W x L: 40 x 113"
TODAY: $2000.19

  • Tread Width:
  • Tread:
  • Description: All Directional
  • No. Steps:
  • Base W x L:
TODAY: $0.00

  • Tread Width:
  • Tread:
  • Description: Side Exit
  • No. Steps:
  • Base W x L:
TODAY: $0.00

  • Tread Width:
  • Tread:
  • Description: Rear Exit
  • No. Steps:
  • Base W x L:
TODAY: $0.00

  • Tread Width:
  • Tread:
  • Description: Employee Only Sign
  • No. Steps:
  • Base W x L:
TODAY: $0.00

  • Tread Width:
  • Tread:
  • Description: CAL-OSHA (5 - 9 Steps)
  • No. Steps:
  • Base W x L:
TODAY: $0.00

  • Tread Width:
  • Tread:
  • Description: CAL-OSHA (10 - 12 Steps)
  • No. Steps:
  • Base W x L:
TODAY: $0.00
