Brady Re-Identify Tissue Cassette Labels

Re-Identify Tissue Cassette Labels, 3/4 in
  • Tissue cassettes are often re-identified when labs collect samples from various biorepositories
  • Typically, each lab has its own unique way of identifying samples, and there becomes a need to re-identify everything in a common way
Brady Re-Identify Tissue Cassette Labels
Product No. Applications Finish Height [Nom] Material Resistance Width [Nom] price Quantity
262-THT-254-498-3 Laboratory Identification Semi-Gloss 3/4 in Repositionable Vinyl Cloth Freezer 3/4 in List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
Brady Re-Identify Tissue Cassette Labels
  • Applications: Laboratory Identification
  • Finish: Semi-Gloss
  • Height [Nom]: 3/4 in
  • Material: Repositionable Vinyl Cloth
  • Resistance: Freezer
TODAY: $0.00
