Couplers, 1/4 inEliminates hazardous discharge of refrigerant and oil from high side of system when disconnecting hosesPrevents freezing hand when disconnecting, especially when servicing heat pumps in cold weatherAutomatic shutoff of hose ends permits discharging high side hose through manifold into low sideAutomatic full depression of core valves without adjustment,
Eliminates hazardous discharge of refrigerant and oil from high side of system when disconnecting hoses
Prevents freezing hand when disconnecting, especially when servicing heat pumps in cold weather
Automatic shutoff of hose ends permits discharging high side hose through manifold into low side
Automatic full depression of core valves without adjustment, regardless of core position
Coupler halves separately connect to access fitting and hose end, then easy push/pull operation automatically opens or closes system without loss of refrigerant
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