Crown Red Insulating Varnishes

  • Dries to touch in 10 minutes, to handle in 45 minutes
  • Flexible in its cured form and provides insulating protection while allowing for heat expansion and contraction
  • Highly resistant to gas/oils, moisture and temp fluctuations
  • Superior adhesion to a variety of surfaces
  • Thermal Class rated F
Crown Red Insulating Varnishes
Product No. Applications Capacity Vol. [Nom] Container Size Packing Type Quantity Wt. price Quantity
205-6084 Armature & Stator Windings; Coating Frayed Insulation; High-Voltage Circuit Protection; Restoring Dielectric Properties 13 oz 16 oz Aerosol Can 12 per case 1.13 lb List Price: $0.00
TODAY: $0.00
Crown Red Insulating Varnishes
  • Applications: Armature & Stator Windings; Coating Frayed Insulation; High-Voltage Circuit Protection; Restoring Dielectric Properties
  • Capacity Vol. [Nom]: 13 oz
  • Container Size: 16 oz
  • Packing Type: Aerosol Can
  • Quantity: 12 per case
TODAY: $0.00
