Jet-Lube Nikal Nuclear Grade High Temperature Anti-Seize & Thread Lubricants
Nikal Nuclear Grade High Temperature Anti-Seize and Thread Lubricant, 1/2 lb JarChemically pure nickel flake with high-carbon synthetic graphite designed to perform at elevated temperaturesSpecially tested and certified for use in nuclear power plants and fossil fuel power plants where a Class 1, 2 or 3 non-wetted application for auxiliary
Nikal Nuclear Grade High Temperature Anti-Seize and Thread Lubricant, 1/2 lb Jar
Chemically pure nickel flake with high-carbon synthetic graphite designed to perform at elevated temperatures
Specially tested and certified for use in nuclear power plants and fossil fuel power plants where a Class 1, 2 or 3 non-wetted application for auxiliary equipment is required
Blended with other additives in a high temp complex grease carrier to enhance anti-seize performance
Will not contaminate catalyst beds
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